If you find you like The Stabilizer then you should seriously consider Stabilizer II which is now available for $25. Why spend $25 for Stabilizer II instead of $10 for The Stabilizer?
Stabilizer II runs much faster, 5 to 10 times faster for most functions and holds up to 200 expense items. Stabilizer II enters data for each expense as you enter it instead of saving them to enter as a group. Report functions have been improved and have more options. Estimating functions are more accurate and faster. Pop-up menus have been removed and more buttons added for easier movement within the stack.
Stabilizer II is now a linked system which includes the following seven stacks:
Stabilizer Help - contains all the documentation and help information in a separate stack.
Stabilizer Account - This stack is a split register for a savings account to keep records for your Stabilizer budget in the same account as other savings. It keeps the records separate, while showing both parts of the account on screen and balances as a unified account.
Stabilizer Checking - This checkbook register has automatic calculating for easy balancing. It also has an option which allows you to tag budget deposits and checks for a budget vs other funds balance if you choose to keep your budget funds in your checking account. Stabilizer Checking also has a Tax Tag function which allows you to tag check entries for tax purposes. You can use up to 20 categories to tag your checks (you can define the categories). A Tax Report function will search the entries for a given year and create a text file with all the tagged checks for that year sorted and sub-totaled for each category and sorted by check name within each category.
Stabilizer Saving - Keeps records for a regular savings account.
Stabilizer Archives - Archives Stabilizer II data in a read only format so you can have records of expenses from year to year while the Stabilizer II stack keeps your on-going revolving budget.
Stabilizer Installer - This stack will read all the data in The Stabilizer stack and install it into the Stabilizer II stack. It will help you set preferences for the banking stacks and link the Stabilizer II budget system to your home stack.
***NOTE - Stabilizer II requires HyperCard¬ version 1.2 or higher***
Stabilizer II is available for $25 from:
Scott McGilliard, 1515 Arborview, Ann Arbor, MI 48103